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Vincent Parco Consulting LLC
Private Investigations

Welcome to Vinny Parco Investigation Discussions

I am Vinny Parco, a Certified Fraud Examiner and Certified Forensic Examiner.

I have been in Law Enforcement working for the New York Department of State as a Gambling investigator and then for the Office of Professional Discipline and then the Office of Professional Medical Conduct. When I left government service, I started a private detective agency and handled many high profile cases. In 1984 I received an award from the New York Office of the FBI for aiding the FBI on a case. I was the subject of of a book called “True Detectives” and my business really took off. In court cases I was I was declare an expert witness and testified in hundred of cases.

I was the “star” of a reality Private Eye shoe on Court TV called “Parco P.I.”

I have written over six books dealing with investigative matters and I want to share my experience and insights with you the viewers. I will discuss some of the investigations that I conducted and also past and present cases that are interesting. I will analyze the methods and evidence presented and add my expertise and opinions.

The Crazy Eddie Case

Eddie Antar started an electronic business that was a huge success. He was clever and innovative until his fall from grace.

First Matter

When he decided to go public. he went to a brokerage company Fishback and Fishback, who hired my company to do a due diligence background investigation. I ran his social security number, and it was good. I ran a comprehensive search that Private Eyes use called IRB. This report is very thorough it includes various addresses that he could have lived at. I also looked for any judgements or liens which would impact his credit worthiness. This report also includes any employees or corporations he was affiliated with. I and my staff contacted these companies discretely to find out if there was any derogatory information about Mr. Antar. We found out that he was a little quirky but harmless and a good worker. His credit score was good but not exceptional. At that time his criminal record was clear.

Second Matter

Through the agent that hired me on Fishback matter I was hired to locate Eddie Antar who was missing. Utilizing his social security, we were able to ascertain his Insurance company by contacting all of the major insurance carriers. There is no database or central data bank, so we hd to do it the old fashion way, we hit the phones. After calling a large number of companies we carefully navigated through various departments and found out the billing department. We were able to get the billing department to tell us where the bills were coming from. We then contacted the “sanitarium.” He was then located. Due to the HIIPA laws we had to be very careful when seeking this information. We reunited his family with him. Apparently, he had a drinking problem and needed to “dry out.”

Third Matter

A company bought the stock of Crazy Eddie and asked us to check the telephone system for any electronic eavesdropping equipment. They thought that Crazy Eddie would be listening to them to see how the business was doing. The fear was that he would start another company and violate the non-compete clause that he signed. I and my staff carefully dismantled every phone and took apart any electronic device such as computers, fax machines even the coffee machine. The results was negative.

Fourth Matter

Apparently, everyone knew that I worked on various cases involving Eddie Antar and the United States Marshalls contacted me looking for him. At that time i had no additional dealing with Eddie Antar, but the Marshals were adamant that I knew where he was hiding. I politely told them how to conduct an investigation on their own. I told them to check his insurance coverage and through the DEA see if he had any prescription drugs filled recently. I also told them to check if he used is passport recently. They eventually found him in Israel.

Fifth Matter

The Vice President Of The United Misrahi Bank in Israel, was at my office discussing a different matter. The subject of Eddie Antar came up. The Vice President stated that Eddie Antar came to his bank and asked to deposit $71,000,000 in his bank. He threw him out and told him to go to a different bank. I knew that Bank Leumi will take any crooks money, so with my Israeli associate we checked Bank of Leumi and they had a recent deposit from Mr. Antar’s other company for $71,000,000.

Sixth Matter

I received and award from the New York Office of the FBI and I was on their radar. I received a call from an agent who was working on his embezzlement case and asked me if I knew where the money is located. I knew where the money was located. I told him Bank Leumi in Tel Aviv. The agent took credit for the find and never mentioned me. That is typical of the FBI in my experience local and state law enforcement do not like dealing with the FBI.

Eddie Antar was extradited 1992 and plead guilty to federal fraud charges and was sentenced to 8 years in jail and a fine of $150 million. He died in 2016 from liver failure most likely from his drinking habit. – Vincent Parco


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New York, NY 10001

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